How to Reactivate the Passion in your Marriage using these Top Couples Games that makes your Sex-Life Fun, Exciting and Exhilirating. Even better than  the honeymoon days

From The Desk Of The Highly Rated Couples Therapist

Dear Friend,

Do you desire to spark fresh passion in your marriage?

Are you feeling romantically tired with your partner unlike before?

Are you looking for new ways to rekindle the joy and passion in your marriage?

Has your sex life become boring and uninteresting?

Have you been looking for new ways to spice up your sex life as a couple?

Well, you do not have to worry anymore because you have come to the right page that will solve your troubles.

For many couples the last time they enjoyed sex was the first few months of their marriage.

If you listen to many couples they will tell you that there is no more spark in their sex life like it used to be when they just got married.

Most couples have come short of ideas on how to spice up their sex life just a few months after marriage.

Well, you can’t blame them because keeping the spark in your marriage requires  knowledge and applying the right knowledge I must add.

Let me tell you a secret that will save you headache in your home.

One thing that makes a couple tired of each other sexually is when their sex life has become like a routine.

Always doing the same thing every time and not being innovative. 

See, you have to be deliberately innovative so as to bring excitement into your home.

And not just doing the same thing everyday.

Doing the same thing everyday will cause that you have nothing to look forward to because you already know what is going to happen. This makes some people think outside of the marriage.

You need to try out something new and exciting to keep each other excited and looking forward for more.

As a man you need to be versatile and open.

Because many women are not being satisfied during sex.

Many of these women pretend to have an orgasm just to make their man think he has done a good job and make him happy. I’m sure you don’t want that for your wife.

But this ought not to be so.

As a man you must take steps to learn more on how to satisfy your woman every time.

As you know sex issues in marriage are very serious matters.

Issues of Sex is the leading cause of unhappy marriages. 

And I know you don’t want that for your marriage.

Shocking you might think… but it’s true.

Many couples both newlyweds and those who have been married for a while are struggling with sexual matters just that many won’t share.

But as a couples therapist I can tell you emphatically that the percentage is higher than you think.

When you don’t know how to keep the passion alive in your home everything will become boring and looks like a routine.

And when the home has become boring then it can also lead to infidelity because when the man is unhappy then he will start thinking of having a “side-chick” and also same thing with the woman, when she is not satisfied then she will be tempted to start looking outside the marriage for satisfaction.

And you know that once infidelity steps into a home that is the beginning of separation of that marriage.

See, let me tell you that there are “side-chicks” out there who are ready to grab other women’s husbands if you give them the chance.

I know that these days both the men and the women are very busy with work to make ends meet but you must pay attention to your marriage.

Many couples are tired of each other and are no more excited in their home but they are just staying together these days just because of their children.

There is no more excitement between them. This is not how it is suppose to be.

But I can tell you that there is a solution for that.

So you’re not alone if you are having same issues. The main problem is not about having an issue but not knowing what to do to solve the issue.

Maybe you have bought different materials online that promised to help you spark the fire in your marriage once again but they have all failed in  solving your issue.

Just hang on so that you’ll see my revolutionary solution.

Most men think that having big penis is all there is to sex in marriage and satisfying their partner.

This is a totally wrong thinking.

If you like have the biggest but if you don’t know how to turn a woman on then that sex will not be pleasurable for her at all.

Some men just want to go straight to raw sex without any foreplay.

You are practically killing that woman without knowing.

For a woman the sex starts way before penetration. In fact she will not be satisfied if you don’t take out time to charge her body during foreplay before launching in fulltime.

And also as a woman do you know how to stylishly make him do the exact things you like in order to turn you on.

Now as I said earlier, many of you lack the knowledge on how to do these things properly.

Maybe you have tried browsing the internet to get this type of information and you keep reading different blogs without getting what you can apply practically.

It could be that most of the blogs you read are not addressing your real issues.

Another problem many couples face is that they say “I am shy”…

Truly many couples say this both old and young. Well, with what I am about to reveal, that excuse will no longer be an issue at all.

Sex is not supposed to be a chore or a duty as it is fast becoming between many couples.

But sex is a way to build an unbreakable bond when done right.

Maybe you’re feeling far apart from your partner and you seriously desire to feel closer and strongly bonded with your partner then you really need this.

By now you might be asking what is it that will help me solve this issues I’m having.

That is exactly where I come in:


A Highly Rated Couples Therapist and the founder of Deep Healing Counseling. A professional counselling and therapy outfit that helps people get the best out of themselves and their relationships.

I am a practicing Relationship and Sex Therapist for the past 10 years.

After all these years of professional practice I discovered that many couples are having serious problems in their sex lives and this was due to lack of knowledge on what to do to spark up and maintain the fire of passion between them.


 I also know some men suffer from erectile disfunction (ED) due to  reasons like health issues, use of some medications, stress etc. This will help you manage your situation better with minimum effect to your marriage. 

I knew this problem needed to be solved for many people . As most of these websites online do not really give proper solution to the issue.

So I decided to come up with a solution once and for all…

By knowing that great sex is not just penetration but the emotional bonding between couples and the foreplay I have come up with a perfect solution for couples reading this now…




You’re thinking in your head… What are these couples games again?

Let me put it in simple English for you… Couple games are those kinds of games that will romantically charge both you and your partner to have great sex and even want more of it every time.

These games are that powerful.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a young couple or you have been married for  years.

This is exactly what you need to spice up your sex life dramatically.

Before we move further let me tell you what COUPLE GAMES are not so that you don’t have any misconception:

*Couple Games are not the same useless advice most of those website give.

*Couple Games are not immoral or humanly degrading in any way.

*These couple games are not difficult to do at all.

*These couple games are not against any religious beliefs (They are purely meant for couples to spice up their intimacy lives)

Here’s a Glimpse of The Games Contained In this Powerful book that you can start enjoying right away…

Game 1 – What’s your Fantasy?

Game 10 – Follow the Honey

Game 22 – Mirror, Mirror

Game 30 – Concentration

Game 44 – Guess What I Wrote

I want you to imagine for a moment the fun and excitement that these games will spark in your intimacy with your partner.

I bet you that it will be a total transformation for both of you. 

It will be so much fun all around. It will be So much happiness and bonding at the same time.

In this powerful book ‘Couples Game’ you will discover;

  1. The secret and power of seduction!!! Did you know that an orgasm does not depend on the size of the penis? In as much as everyone is craving big dick, many big dicks do not know how to perform. Discover the secrets to keep your partner forever addicted to you!
  1. The secrets I shared with all of my clients who had given up on their marriage and within just a week are back in their second honeymoon. These sex games are something you have not seen or will see anywhere on the internet! These are driven by live experiences, tested and proved!
  1. The same secrets games that many couples around the world have used to build an enviable marriage that others only dream of!
  1. Sex games that don’t need any special preparation that you can play spontaneously in your marriage to rekindle the intimacy in your relationship!
  1. Games that work even for very shy couples who hardly look into each other’s eyes!!!
  1. Sex tips that work for both old and young couples and games that can be played anytime anywhere!!
  1. You will find games that can rekindle love that has grown cold for several years!
  1. You will discover that the love, sex and romance of your dream is possible without struggle…!!!
  1. You’ll learn how to make your man/woman happy with what you have, regardless of size!
  1. Time to stop killing your body system with all manner of concoctions in the name of penis enhancement!! Cancer is real!


You know that for many women nowadays the only thing they think they can do to get themselves well prepared for sex is to use sexual enhancer. 

But I can tell you as an expert that these Couples Games are far far better than those sexual enhancers.

Why use something external to stimulate your body when you and your spouse can just use the natural method to make yourself wet and to get him properly prepared as well.

No need to start adding external things to your body. You totally eliminate the risk of any reaction that can be caused by those things.

When you use the Couples Games it is sheer Pleasure for you and your spouse and you will always be looking forward to the times when you and your spouse will have sex because you are sure it will be pleasurable instead of it being like a house chore as it has become for most women.

You now have the opportunity to exempt your self from this rampart problem many women out there are facing.

You can now experience pleasure like never before. The choice is totally yours. But to reward you I have put together 7 (seven) powerful bonus books that  will totally super charge your marraige.

When you get couples games today you will not only be getting hold of the best book you need but you will get four other bonuses.

Let me explain each of these bonuses one after the other so you see it properly




In this book you will learn about the secrets to an exciting sex life like you’ve never had before.

You and your partner will learn the best exercises that will help prepare both of your bodies for sex.

You will be educated on the best foods to take and the foods to avoid if you desire the best in your sex life.

Also you’ll learn how to combat common sexual imposers with both men and women.

And as we know one of the major problem for men when it comes  sex is erectile dysfunction also call Low man Power.

In this book men will be educated properly on erectile dysfunction, the causes and how to solve it effectively.

For many women they suffer from Low Libido and this a major cause of concern. This is the book that gives the lasting solution to low libido in women. Imagine as a woman your issue of Low Libido is finally gone and you can now enjoy sex like never before. No more faking orgasms again.

So you see that this book – BETTER SEX LIFE – is a must have for every couple and I’m giving it to you as your first bonus. 

Apart from these lessons above You will also earn:

How to reduce stress for you to be fit for action.

How to touch your partner in a way that turns them on

How to get into a romantic mood quickly

How to be confident to try new things to spice it up.

How to pamper yourself and your partner

How to maintain strong connection with your spouse.

The best ways to schedule sex and most importantly how to set the atmosphere.

Let me also add that in this book you will learn the best habits and lifestyle to help you have a long healthy sex life till your old age. Is that not wonderful.



Romantic Ideas for Couples remains a very powerful book that gives couples different types of ideas to boost your romance life.

Have You Lost the Romantic Spark in Your marriage?

Do You Want to rekindle the RIGHT ROMANTIC FEELING with your spouse again?

Well, you CAN!   WE Know the Secrets of ROMANCE, and WE ARE READY TO SHARE!

Your spouse says you have NO ROMANCE IN YOUR SOUL!

You love your wife or husband, but you have no idea how to be romantic.

You try to remember to be thoughtful and loving but YOU ARE HOPELESS

…and what you really WANT TO BE is a HOPELESS ROMANTIC!

You HATE feeling incompetent and clueless when it comes to your love life!

But you don’t know how to put SPICE into your Marriage and STILL BE YOURSELF.

You are afraid your partner will think you don’t find them attractive or sexy!

You don’t want to lose the love of your spouse but you feel you’re missing something

Your partner is great at showing you they care, but you don’t know how to reciprocate!


If you answered ‘yes’ to some or all of these questions, you are ready for ‘Romantic Ideas for Couples’.

If this is your life, don’t let ROMANCE PASS YOU BY!


In this book you will learn:

  • Simple, inexpensive ways to show your love and put romance in your life EVERY DAY
  • Wonderful ways to make the special occasions MORE SPECIAL and ROMANTIC
  • Creative techniques to show your partner you care without using the old ‘me too’ methods your father and mother used.
  • How to ROMANCE YOUR PARTNER without spending much money!

RIGHT NOW, you are probably saying, “TELL ME MORE!”

‘Romantic Ideas for Couples’ is YOUR KEY to ROMANCE and LOVE!

Romantic Ideas for Couples’ will teach you SIMPLE METHODS, and give you great, CREATVE IDEAS to use every day, and MORE IDEAS to use on THOSE SPECIAL OCCASIONS like anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and Birthdays!



Does it Feel like your marriage has fallen flat?

Or you Can’t seem to put your finger on any one issue but it just    feels like something is amiss between you and your spouse?


If so, you may be in the middle of a relationship slump. Don’t panic. 

Marital issues can be fixed by simply changing up the routine a bit. In this world full of uncertainty maintaining your relationship may not always be as easy.

However learning to boost your bond is not as hard as you thought.

All you need is to take care of certain things which will strengthen the bond. There are certain things which you must DO and  definitely certain things which you must NOT DO!

Well, I don’t want to scare you but the truth is that in  order to keep your relationship burning an effort HAS to be given in order to arouse your partner.

With this guide, you’ll be equipped with the most powerful tools and strategies to help you solidify bonding.

Marriage mastery will help you build an effective nuptial communication as a couple which if done well will help you overcome most marriage challenges.

You will also be exposed to plenty of highly effective methods for identifying the potential root to tragedy and efficiently act upon them.

You’ll also get tons of extra information on your conditions and how you can deal with them in a variety of ways to achieve the best out of your relationship.

“What else can I do with this book?”

With this guide, you’ll be equipped with the most powerful tools and strategies to helping you overcome your approach to interaction with your spouse.

You will also be exposed to plenty of highly effective methods of preventing shyness and overcoming them when they come by.

You’ll also get tons of extra information on addictions and how you can overcome them. Clarity leads  to power, as they say.

Don’t worry if you have doubts…

Will this help free me from my deep-rooted marriage problem?

 Admittedly, some conditions are difficult to deal with. But with the tools and strategies provided in  the guide, boosting your relationship will become a much easier process and you will start seeing results fast!

Will I be able to implement these strategies easily?

Most definitely! The strategies for improving your condition have been mapped out clearly in this guide so that anyone – whether a novice or beginner can start using it and achieve results fast!

Wow, this is too good to be true! 

I want everybody to be able to have access to this great catalyst and strategies for improving relationship because I knew what it was like, struggling as a hopeless spouse without anyone to guide me… Now that I’ve found the way, I want this ultimate guide to “jump start” your success regardless of how passive you are.

If you’re still sitting on the fence, here’s 5 great reasons to invest in this amazing guide to ignite the flame you both once had:

  1. You’ll never have that feeling of frustration of not knowing how to handle your condition.
  2. These secret effective strategies are known by only the top relationship gurus and you’ll finally be able to have access to these secrets.
  3. Thousands of hours and money are wasted just because people fail to leverage on the right tools for helping them execute the right strategy.
  4. Your friends will be begging you to tell them your secrets of success!
  5. With your improved relationship, the amount you save on being disempowered by your condition will be more than enough to  cover your investment in this guide!



This is the fourth bonus you will be getting.

The fact is that in relationships, especially marriage, things do not always go perfectly and it takes a 100% commitment from both parties to make it a success.

Often when people begin to loose passion in marriage, they feel as though something is missing. The “spark” has gone, leaving one or both people feeling inadequate and unfulfilled.

However, even though the odds are not very good, healthy, and long-lasting relationships are definitely possible and proven by many people. Look at every successful couple and think about what made them successful.

They made a decision of choosing to love their mate rather than relying on the “warm and fuzzy” feelings, which everyone knows will fade. By making love a choice you are making a decision that even in the bad times, you stick it out.

Think of it like choosing a car. You pick out the make, model, year, color, and features that you believe are best for you.

After driving your car for a couple of months, you realize that perhaps you should have purchased a larger car, or that maybe the leather seats would have been better, or on hot sunny days, the sunroof would have been nice.

However, it is now too late so you choose to keep your car and make it work. It is the same for marriage. Not everything will be perfect and there will be major obstacles to overcome but you have made your decision and now you choose to make it work.

There are hundreds of things you can do to better your relationship. To help get you headed in the right direction, 101 Steps To a Happy Relationship gives you 101 ways to build, strengthen, and enhance your relationship.

Remember, little steps taken every day will add up to big successes.


* Bonus 5: Relationship Improvement Checklist

* Bonus 6: Printable sex dice Games Card

* Bonus 7: Kamasutra 365 (Different Latest Se*x Styles). 

Yes, this means you have access to  over 200 different styles to try even if you have issues with your back.

There are many styles and you can easily pick something safe for yourself. 

It should not mean that you MUST retire from bedroom action because of a little challenge. 

But i must warn you not to overwork yourself by picking a style that may not be safe for you. Se*x is also good for your health and general well being. Do not allow anybody to undermine your ability or skills. 




By Now You May be Asking How Much it will cost to secure your copy of Couples Games

First of all let me ask you…

How much is a passionate & fulfilling experience worth to you?

Love making that bonds you and your partner and sustains happiness in your marriage.


$200? or maybe $500.

But let me shock you

Your total investment to turn your sex life around is not $50 and it’s not even $20 but hear me clearly… for a little investment of $15 (N7,999) which is less than the price of a small bottle of  perfume, you will get Couples Games and the other seven bonuses that come with it. Yes, for less than the price of Pizza, you can get things back on track in your marriage. 

Is that not a “SUPER COOL” deal?

So which one do you prefer?

The Choice is entirely up to you to make.

Whether a small bottle of perfume to smell nice and have a horrible sex life or to invest the little amount and sky-rocket your sex experience with your spouse for life.

(Not Available In Bookstores. Exclusive To Deep Healing Couselling)

So Here are the 7 Special Love Making Bonuses You’ll receive for FREE When You Get COUPLES GAMES Today.







Bonus   5- Relationship Improvement checklist

Bonus   6- Printable Sex Dice Games Cards

Bonus   7- Kamasutra 365 (Over 200 Latest se*x Styles)


To make payment, you will be required to input your email and a phone number to recieve the books directly and instantly into your mail. Your informations are higly protected, but if you don’t feel comfortable, you can use any phone number  you feel comfortable with . But you will need to input your email address to recieve the books.



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Once Your Payment is Confirmed You will be given access to download Your Books and all seven bonuses at anytime of the day even if it is at 2am.

You will need to input your email to recieve the books with a phone number you are okay with.

(And you have 100% Privacy with us)

What’s even better is that You are covered with our money back guarantee after you have used at least 5 Games with proof and you still feel it is total trash.


My relationship was fine, all the flames and stuff, until I got my first full time job. We started falling apart, strangers in the same bed! The job was so demanding that I became less and less emotionally available. My wife who was trying to help out with the bills, got a part time job that she combined with ‘the house job’. I was so stressed I started seeing a lady at the office. But deep down I knew I was going down the wrong path. Then I stumbled on an AD on YouTube about this book. It seemed quite promising and the price was was worth it. I wasn’t the one for too much reading, but this book got me on my toes till the last page! The result? I have my relationship back and much stronger!
Nairaobi Kenya

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