Do you feel lost in the noise, unsure which solution is right because of the surface-level advice that doesn’t truly address the problems in your marriage?

Discover the root causes of conflict in your marriage with “Marriage Fitness” and defeat almost all the challenges in your relationship  to enjoy a healthy, thriving marriage once again.

It doesn’t matter if you are feeling lonely, disrespected, unappreciated, living like strangers, or even if your partner is cheating right now. You can still restore your marriage to the beautiful relationship it once was before things changed drastically — and you can do this alone (even if your partner is not ready to participate).

A few months ago, a lady contacted me. 

She found me on Google because she felt so lost, confused, and frustrated about the situation in her marriage.

It had become the opposite of what it used to be when she was still “dating” her now husband.

The once loving, sticky, and caring boyfriend has turned into someone she doesn’t seem to recognize anymore.  

The spark was gone.

During our first call, she bursted into tears, pouring her heart out.

“I’m tired of pretending to be okay,” she cried over the phone. “I’m tired of being married but living like I'm single because my partner seems to be emotionally checked out of the marriage.

He doesn’t pay attention to me or spend time with me like he used to.

This is not the marriage I hoped for. Every day I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, afraid to do the wrong things.

Because it always ends with silent treatment or arguments.

And the things he says during those fights leave me feeling empty and less of a woman.

It hurts, but for many reasons, I still want my marriage to work again. I want to revive the love and connection we once shared. I want  to feel like my real self again because I feel so lost right now. I do NOT understand what changed.

I’ve always dreamed of a marriage where my partner respects, listens, protects, and loves me. 

A marriage without lies, side chick drama, or inlaw drama. 

One that feels like a match made from heaven, where we can easily settle misunderstandings without yelling or silent treatment because we understand each other so well.

As I listened to her, I could feel her pain — years of hurt bottled up inside.

Maybe she didn’t want others to know for fear of judgment. Or perhaps she was afraid to tell her family because her marriage was only a few years old.

When she finished, I told her this...

“The marriage you desire is possible. But it will require you to take the first step—even if your husband isn’t ready to participate.”

She doubted me at first, saying, “It takes two to make a marriage work.”

But eventually, she decided to give my advice a shot. And guess what?

She started noticing positive changes in her marriage—changes that felt miraculous.

But it wasn’t a miracle.

I showed her a unique approach she could plug into her marriage to revive that spark and restore her marriage.

And the best part is that anyone struggling with marital crisis can use it to turn their marriage around.


She implemented them and soon started feeling loved, respected, and appreciated again.

She began to experience the ideal marriage she had always dreamed of with her husband.

I can still hear the happiness in her voice during our calls as she shared the progress:

“You saved my marriage, Mrs. Ajarah. What if I had quit after trying different programs and counselling sessions out there that yielded no result? I’d probably be divorced by now.”

And that is why I tell most people.

Stop addressing the issues in your marriage on a surface level if you truly want to save it...

You see, just like you, she had tried almost everything within her power before reaching out to me.

She was literally on the verge of calling her marriage QUITS because neither counselling, self-help books, talking to families, or practising different communication strategies like "active listening," "I statement," and even scheduled "relationship check-ins" worked.

Normally, all these approaches could have given her the result she craved (a happy home).

But the reason they don't work most of the time is that they provide only surface-level solutions.

Look, if the underlying issues in your marriage are not addressed, you will NEVER achieve a permanent solution.

According to studies published in the Journal of Family Psychology and a meta-analysis in Psychological Bulletin,  addressing attachment styles, emotional connection, and individual psychological health often yields better outcomes than those focusing solely on symptoms like arguments, communication techniques, or sexual dissatisfaction alone.

This shows that while various structured marriage programs or counselling can be helpful, most of them fail to address the root causes of marital issues. 

As a result, they often lead to only temporary improvements in your relationship.

Listen, if you truly need a fresh start and a permanent solution to the challenges in your marriage, you need to avoid approaches that promise external changes only and neglect internal, emotional, or relational issues.

That’s exactly why I created this program —  to offer a different, more effective solution that goes beyond surface-level advice.

This program is shaped to help you uncover and address the root causes of challenges in your marriage—and show you how to resolve them in just SIX WEEKS.

It’s the exact approach that a lady used to turn her marriage around, and it could do the same for you.

Introducing Marriage Fitness Program

A program designed specifically for struggling couples who want to PERMANENTLY restore the love and connection in their marriage.

It doesn't matter what challenges brought your marriage to this point—whether it’s cheating, communication issues, emotional detachment, or anything else.

In this program, you’ll not only discover how to identify the root causes of the crisis in your marriage but also learn a step-by-step approach to tackle each issue, ensuring a lasting solution.

I'll show you how to rebuild trust, even if your partner has cheated, and how to eliminate an ongoing affair and avoid the risk of infidelity in the future.

Then, in module 5, you will see my undisclosed strategy to overcome core issues like infidelity, lack of physical intimacy, and communication issues.

In fact, just in Module 1, you’ll discover how to understand the crisis in your marriage — because think about it, you can’t solve what you don’t comprehend.

This module alone can help you to start enjoying the connection, trust, and love you have been longing for.

And the best part?

This is a self-paced program, meaning you can go through the material anytime and anywhere.

There’s no deadline to complete each module, so you can progress at your own pace, based on your availability and emotional readiness.

Now here’s the real deal:

We will be together for 6 weeks in a closed group where you receive unlimited support. This means that if you ever feel stuck on any module or find a point confusing inside the course, you can ask your questions and get the clarity you need.

What's more? 

There will also be weekly live calls where you can openly talk about things that bother you without judgment and we’ll work through any questions or challenges you may have together.

Sounds interesting, right?

Okay, I know you're wondering...

Who am I, and do I really qualify to help you fix your marriage PERMANENTLY?

My name is Ajarah Thani

I have been married for over a decade (10+ years) and blessed with kids.

I graduated with distinction from the Bradford Center for Counselling in the U.K. and later founded Deep Healing Counselling and Coaching as well as The Intentional Marriage Academy.

I am a marriage expert, certified counsellor, relationship coach, mental health advocate, and women's personal coach.

Over the years, I have helped 100s of women overcome various relationship challenges. 

The main inspiration behind this program, Marriage Fitness, stems from my experience with women who approached me after divorce or separation, asking if I could help them go back and repair what was lost.

Many of these women rushed to leave their marriages, thinking it was their only option, only to later regret their decision when they realized their relationship could have been saved.

This is why I created this program — to help more women save their crumbling marriages before it’s too late.

However, unlike different programs that promise quick fixes or offer solutions that scratch only the surface-level problems, Marriage Fitness is different.


It delves deep into the buried and unresolved issues within your marriage — issues that might leave you shocked. 

You'll come to understand that the real problem is beyond the reactions and conflicts you see on the surface level.

But just like the many women whose marriages have been transformed through the unique approaches in this program, I believe you too can restore the love, connection, and happiness in your marriage.

Here’s what you will learn when you join the Marriage Fitness Program

Module 1: Understanding Marital Crises
  • Identifying the root causes of marital conflicts and breakdowns.
  • Recognizing the signs of deeper issues before they escalate.
  • Understanding the emotional and psychological impact of unresolved crises.
  • How to know there is hope for your marriage, even in the most challenging situations.

Module 2: Rebuilding Trust and Ending Infidelity
  • How to handle an affair and make it end while rebuilding trust.
  • Understanding the different forms of infidelity (emotional and physical) and addressing them effectively.
  • How to deal with emotional infidelity and restore emotional intimacy.
  • Disrupting ongoing affairs and eliminating the risk of future infidelity.
  • How to rebuild broken trust step by step.
Module 3: Effective Communication for Lasting Connection
  • How to talk to your spouse in a way that they will listen and respond.
  • Breaking through an obstinate or emotionally unavailable spouse.
  • How to resolve the "unresolvable" conflicts and create mutual understanding.
  • Managing defensiveness, criticism, and stonewalling in conversations.
  • Rebuilding emotional safety for open and honest discussions.
Module 4: Emotional Healing and Forgiveness
  • How to forgive deeply and move forward after betrayal or hurt.
  • How to get over the past and prevent it from haunting your present relationship.
  • Healing emotional wounds and restoring mutual appreciation.
  • How to reconnect and fall back in love, even after years of resentment or distance.

Module 5: Restoring Physical Intimacy
  • Understanding the importance of physical connection in marriage.
  • What to do when your spouse wants no physical intimacy and how to reignite the spark.
  • How to rekindle passion and romance after years of routine or neglect.
  • Overcoming feelings of rejection and rebuilding intimacy.

Module 6: Managing Conflict and Preventing Separation
  • How to avoid constant quarrels and create a peaceful, supportive environment.
  • How to handle a malice-keeping spouse and end the cycle of resentment.
  • How to resolve recurring conflicts over finances, parenting, and household responsibilities.
  • How to manage power struggles and restore equality in decision-making.
  • How to strengthen your bond during life transitions (career changes, raising children, etc.).
Module 7: Setting Boundaries with External Influences
  • How to manage external influences on your marriage, including friends and extended family.
  • How to deal with a mother-in-law or in-laws causing tension.
  • Creating boundaries to protect your marriage from external interference.

Module 8: Creating Unity and Mutual Growth
  • How to shift from individual focus to mutual growth and unity.
  • Fostering shared goals, dreams, and a vision for the future.
  • How to transform a difficult or distant partner into a supportive and loving spouse.
  • Balancing responsibilities in dual-career marriages without resentment.
  • How to eliminate feelings of neglect and bring appreciation back into your relationship.
Module 9: Rebuilding Friendship and Partnership
  • How to stay best friends while keeping the spark alive.
  • How to transform a strained relationship into a partnership filled with trust and mutual respect.
  • Strengthening companionship and avoiding feelings of isolation in marriage.
  • Becoming a dependable partner and growing old together in harmony.

Module 10: Practical Tools for a Thriving Marriage
  • Strategies for engaging in healthy conflicts and resolving them effectively.
  • How to manage disagreements around parenting and co-parent effectively.
  • Proven ways to maintain balance in financial decision-making.
  • Emergency strategies for handling crises and preventing separation.
  • Encouraging regular check-ins to assess the health of your relationship.

Now I know you’re probably asking, what is the cost of this program that can revive my marriage?

I’ll tell you, but first...

Did you know that 50% of women admitted to having second thoughts about their divorce decision? 

Yes, you read that right. 

According to the Huffington Post Divorce Survey (2014), half of the women surveyed revealed that their marriage could have been saved if they had not made decisions impulsively and had instead addressed the root causes of their marital issues.

Many of them confessed that the decision to leave was made in haste because they were overwhelmed, felt lonely, and were tired of the arguments, silent treatments, and even infidelity.

They believed they’d find relief by walking away from the marriage...

Instead, they found themselves looking back with regret, realizing their marriage could have been saved if only they had paused, sought the right guidance, and worked on resolving the root causes of their marital challenges.

Now imagine being in their shoes, looking back and thinking, “What if I had tried harder?” What if I had approached the issues differently? Could we have restored the love and connection we once had?

You don’t want to dwell in that “what if” a few months from now... especially if your marriage is worth saving.

Here's the good news:

You can resolve the challenge going on in your marriage right now with the right approach...

An approach that doesn’t just scratch the surface but dives deep to uncover and heal the real issues causing the breakdown in your marriage.

And that’s exactly what the Marriage Fitness program is designed to do. 

It equips you with proven tools to tackle the deeper challenges in your relationship, giving you the power to revive your marriage — even if it feels like you’re the only one trying right now.

Countless women who committed to rebuilding their marriage with the right approach have discovered a love and connection even stronger than before.

So before making any decision you might regret later, give your marriage the chance to thrive again.

Fast Action Taker Bonuses:

These bonuses are not just extras.

They’re resources that will help you restore your marriage faster.

  • Transitioning From Single to Married: What to Expect
  • The Secret to Happiness in Your Relationship
  • Lessons From Married People: How Did You Meet Your Spouse? & What Made You Decide That Your Spouse Is The One For You
  • Modern Marriage and Traditional Values: Are They Compatible?
  • Money Matters In Marriage
  • Sex and Sexuality: What Do You Need to Know?
  • Compatibility: Can Two Walk Together Except They Agree?
  • Infidelity: What You Need to Know
  • Separate, Unique and Whole - How to Enjoy Who You Are
  • Childhood Dysfunction and Trauma: Don't Take Your Baggage Into Your Relationship

I know you're wondering, how much is this life-altering program that can give me the successful and happy marriage I dream of.

Well, most programs like this cost upwards of N250,000 or N150,000

But with The Get Yourself Ready For Marriage Program, you won't pay anything near that.


Because I'm on a mission to help as many people come out of this program feeling confident

that they can make the right choice in a partner, fully equipped with the skills, self-awareness, and understanding necessary for a strong marriage.

If you click on the big button NOW, you get the chance of getting in at a ridiculous discount.

That’s right, you won't pay N250,000 or N150,000

Instead, you'll pay…

Just N35,000 For This 12 Weeks Training

Best part?

You can even break the payment up if you want.

So any way you look at it, it's a good deal for a lifetime commitment like marriage. 

But it won't be up at N35,000 for long.

Beginning December it will move to a staggering price of N42,000.

So if you desire to prepare yourself for marriage, now is the best time to join.

Stream 7 starts on January 13, 2025.

See What Happy GYRFM Students Are Saying

Stream 7 starts on January 13, 2025.

Stream 7 starts on January 13, 2025.

Stream 7 starts on January 13, 2025. 


What is “GYRFM 12-Week Group Coaching Program”?

.GYRFM (Get Yourself Ready For Marriage) 12-Week Group Coaching Program is a simple Marriage Preparation Program that teaches you how to better prepare for a blissful and harmonious marriage relationship.

How is this Program structured and when does it start?

GYRFM Program is a 12-week (3 Months) Group Coaching interactions/teachings between the Marriage Educators and the participants. Stream 7 starts on January 13, 2025

Does it mean that for the whole 12 Weeks, I'll be having classes? Won't that be boring?

Not really! The program is structured in such a way that every Monday by 8 AM WAT, you get an email with the tasks you are going to perform for the week. 

On Saturdays from 6 PM to 8 PM WAT, we have Interactive Sessions via Zoom App with the participants and a series of Facilitators. We also have a dedicated Community Manager who will be with you for the whole 12 Weeks to answer your inquiries and provide guidance.

What if my schedule won't allow me to cope with these time frames?

The Program is actually flexible! The Zoom Interactive Sessions are recorded which you can watch or listen to at your leisure. For the Monday emails, you get to submit your completed Tasks on Fridays of the week. So, you have all the time.

I don't live in Nigeria. How do I attend these classes?

GYRFM Program is 100% virtual. You can participate from anywhere in the world. We've had participants from across the world such as the USA, UK, Germany, Ghana, UAE, Czech Republic, Canada, etc.

All you need for the Program is the Zoom App, Facebook App, Internet Data, WhatsApp, Email, and Your Time/Commitment, and you are good to go!

Who is this Program for?

The GYRFM Program is for singles, married, engaged, separated, and divorced. It is designed for ANYONE willing to have a peaceful long-lasting marriage, male or female.

Since the aim is to create long-lasting marriages, why then is it open for the separated and the divorced?

We have had a series of separated individuals and those considering separation who have registered for this program but decided not to go through with it because of the lessons they learned

I am a very private person. How am I sure that my biodata and/or all the personal information I'd share with you will be kept CONFIDENTIAL?

The Right Fit Marriage Academy prides itself on keeping confidential information obtained from its clients. Moreso, we have highly professional and certified Marriage Counselors and Facilitators who share our goal of absolute confidentiality with us. To crown it all, you'll get to sign “a form of non-disclosure agreement” with us too. So, do not worry. Your details/information are confidential with us!

Okay. I think I am interested already! How do I register, please?

Click here or any of the buttons, you will find all the payment options on the payment page